What’s It Like Living in Someone Else’s Home?

I’ve lived independently since I started college. I was used to being a bed spacer. I was actually pretty good at it because I only had to take care of myself. Now, living with relatives is different from living with strangers. When you’re living with your relatives and they own the house you’re currently residingContinue reading “What’s It Like Living in Someone Else’s Home?”

Aly Almario

Storyteller. Bibliophile. Traveler. Food Enthusiast. Photography Addict.

Nerdy Talks

Reading is bliss.


Emotional musings

Gen: A Girl who loves to wander..

Kaladkarin. Wanderer. Backpacker. Mountaineer. One of the Boys. Photographer. Mean and Moody. Let's wander and get lost. Welcome to my blog!

Quiet Poetic

Figuring out life, one blog post at a time.

just bite the apple.

poetry . reviews . anything worth writing

unbolt me

the literary asylum

DoubleU = W


Lady énigmatique

Going through her closets, turning skeletons into art.


A Filipino book community

taking a break

what helps you take a break from life?

Raven the Wanderess

What's the why to your what?

Speaking of Savory...

Life re:Framed through the eyes of high school foodies

Her Scattered Thoughts & Reveries

My blog. My opinion. Naah..you can share whatcha think.


Breaking the fashion boundaries



Writer and Illustrator

i write my thoughts, and about life; i illustrate dreams and things under the moonlight