My Top Ten Disney Movies

I searched the internet for a complete list of Disney movies. I don’t want to just list down the movies that I remember. Then, when I checked the site, it had 13 pages. Each page has about 40 movies. Do the math. I went through that list and made a shortlist. From there, I chose the top ten. If I missed something or if you don’t agree with this list, then comment down your favorite Disney movies! 🙂

Scrolling through the list, I realized that I’ve barely even scratched the surface of Disney movies. There are a lot. Most of the movies that I have watched were remakes of the classics. I came up with 19 movie titles. Either I’m forgetting something or those other movies I’m thinking about weren’t produced by Disney. Anyway, I’ve removed Hayao Miyazaki’s movies because they’re originally produced by Studio Ghibli and Disney only produced the translated version. I’ve also removed anything Marvel because that’s a whole new universe for me.

As you may notice, most of these movies are animated. I love animated movies.

Brave. I love Brave because of the accent. I could listen to them speak in that accent all day. I love Merida’s chubby cheeks and crazy, messy hair. Aside from that, I love that she doesn’t have a prince charming. It was a bit of a bummer that she didn’t end up with anyone (I was actually hoping that someone would tame her in the end), but I get that it’s not a love story. Rather, it is a story about love, the love between a mother and a daughter. The history repeats itself bit and the coming into full circle worked for me.

Mulan. Another brave woman who doesn’t need a man to protect her. Fortunately, Shang’s in the picture! I love Mulan because it had broken some boundaries. It empowered women. Mulan opened a lot of doors for “princeless” princesses and fictional women who became role models to young girls. Plus, the songs were great. And also, Mushu!

Lilo and Stitch. Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. I was young when I first watched the first Lilo and Stitch movie. Back when I was not obsessing over corgi butts, I wanted my own experiment 626. I loved everything about Stitch… and Lilo. Lilo was cute too. Honestly, if I could have them both as pets, I’d love too. Kidding! I’m not fond of children.

High School Musical 1. I was in high school when the first HSM movie came out. I think everyone in high school knew about this movie. We all made their wild cats song our pep squad battlecry. Fun fact, we won that year. Go wildcats! On a more serious note, HSM brings a huge wave of nostalgia every time it comes on TV. The movie is the perfect representation of high school. Every school year, we wish for something different, for something better. We pray to be noticed by our (then) first crush. We try our best to fit in. And, after so many years, I know that a lot of us are still waiting for that 4th movie.

Chicken Little. I’ve watched this movie so many times, I still know a few lines of the song One Little Slip by Barenaked Ladies (I hope I got that right. No research on this one. Just pure memories!).

It was a cup of good intentions

A table spoon of one big mess

A dash of overreaction

And I assume you know the rest

Chickens, pigs, ugly ducklings… aliens? What could be more entertaining than that? The sky is falling! Run for your lives! It was the acorn talking. Lol (Sidenote: I forgot fish! Haha)

Meet The Robinsons. I think this was the first movie that made me think that Disney makes some serious shit. They don’t just entertain, they make quality movies that impart great life lessons. I love the concept of time traveling and I was in awe with how things unfolded in this movie. One of the best features of this movie was probably this song (Little Wonders by Rob Thomas):

Let it go

Let if fall right off your shoulder

Don’t you know

The hardest part is over

Let it in

Let your clarity define you

In the end, we will only just remember how it feels

And this quote by Walt Disney himself:

Tangled. Tangled is one of the very few Disney princess movies that I like. The story has been told so many times, in so many different ways. This one is one of those versions that got to me. The frying pan was a nice touch. So do Eugene, Max (the horse), and Pascal. And who could forget about that paper lantern scene? It’s so romantic and magical. Plus, Eugene is probably one of my most favorite Disney princes, although, he’s technically not a prince yet.

Wreck-It Ralph. I’ve heard about this movie a few times before I decided to check it out. It didn’t have an appeal to me at that time because I was into romantic Disney movies (the formula worked on me). It was an unusual movie for me and a few minutes into the movie, I almost discontinued watching. I’m not a gamer. I hate losing so I don’t play. But I told myself that I would sit through it and I’m glad I did. I think I cried while watching this movie. A big guy with a soft heart? Count me in. Plus, Satan made a cameo (not a Satanist. It’s just that… other children’s movies won’t dare include him in the picture. It was risky on the producers’ part).

Inside Out. This is one of the most well-thought out movies I’ve watched. Evoking emotions while making us think is no simple feat. It’s a bit psychological while being educational and entertaining. The people behind this movie, I feel, have given high regards to the kids who would watch it. Kids are smarter than we thought. Anyway, I found Joy very irritating. I don’t think I’m the only one who felt that way. I just don’t like people who are positive all the freaking time. I believe in balance. We need sadness in our lives for us to appreciate the happy moments.

The BFG. Out of all these movies, this is probably the most recent one that I’ve watched. I love BFG. He’s such a gentle giant. I didn’t want him to get hurt and I was rooting for him all throughout the movie. He kind of reminded me of the old gentle grandpas I’ve met in my life. He has that vibe about him.

For a Disney, and quote unquote children’s movie, this one’s very poignant.

Did you enjoy the list? What Disney movies do you like? If you’re looking for Toy Story, I’m so sorry to tell you that you’ll never find that here. I didn’t like the movie. The Incredibles was great too, but not my favorite. I’ve watched Finding Nemo probably more times that I’ve watched all these movies combined, but no. Not my favorite. The Lion King? Awimbawe but no. And no, I did not forget about Frozen.

Let me know what you think! 🙂

Published by kwentonijhingness

Writer by heart.

2 thoughts on “My Top Ten Disney Movies

  1. I also love animation movies, especially from Disney and Pixar! People laugh at me everytime I tell them I’d pick an animated movie over any movie out there. They always say that they’re for kids. Yes, but there’s more to that, they just have to dig deeper.


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