
I’ve had enough of this issue already. Why can’t they understand that they are the ones bringing the community down by flaunting that kind of attitude on social media? Why can’t they see that there are battles that they don’t need to fight? I get that they get hurt when someone they idolize gets hurt, but can’t they find a better and more civilized way to argue? How can you defend someone with ‘E, di ikaw na perfect’ or ‘Gago ka!’. How can that validate a point? If these kids can’t contain their emotions and look at the argument with logic, then they shouldn’t speak at all!

This is why I don’t like it when my readers try to defend me. Because what they say reflects what they feel, not what feel. I don’t want anyone to speak for me because I want to get my own message across, loud and clear.

Try playing pass the message and see how the message changes from start to end. That’s what’s happening here. Instead of letting the source handle the issue, everyone around him feels like they have a say on the issue, which leads to making things worse.

How can we be respected if we don’t give out respect? There are artists and writers who were making art and writing before we were even born. The only downside to their generation is that they had no social media to get more exposure from. Why do we feel like we can disrespect them just because we’re getting more likes and loves?

Wattpad is an unconventional platform. It gives everyone a chance to write. However, we are no kings and queens of the world. Outside Wattpad, there is a much bigger world that we’re trying to fit into, that we try to be accepted in. Do you think parading how famous we are will give us pleasing results?

I get that you want to defend your idols. I get that. I’d do the same if the person I love is being attacked. However, we should all be mindful of what we say for that person. Because, if things get out of hand and everything backfires, we’re not the ones who will take the blow. Every bad word, every bad impression… your idols will be the ones to take them. So, don’t ruin their image. Don’t drag their names down to the dirt. If you can, please speak with politeness and courtesy. Kindness goes a long way.

If you can, argue with facts and common sense, not emotions. If you can, remove your anger from the equation and weigh in both sides. If you can, do not fuel the fire. And if it doesn’t directly concern you and you don’t feel like you can add to the solution, just don’t add to the problem. Words are powerful but silence is powerful too.

The world is already full of hate. Stop adding to that hate.

Published by kwentonijhingness

Writer by heart.

One thought on “Please

  1. If this is about the plagiarism issue of a certain published book from Wattpad, I get where you are coming from. I have been stopping myself to comment but I just had to. But I did in a civil manner. Someone even commend me for my ‘mature’ comment but reading the ‘fanatics’ comments makes me cringe. Sa totoo lang doon nasasabi na basura ang Wattpad. They think that Wattpad is making these fans/readers uncivilized and uncontrollable, not thinking first before commenting. It’s a sad and unfortunate thing. Kung pwede lang na mapigilan na lang talaga sila na mag comment, but it is still their prerogative. 😦


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